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Some Attendees at the CoP pre-conference workshop at ASTMH Conference

CoP Pre-conference Work at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Conference (ASTMH), 2023

The CoP held a pre-conference workshop titled Advancing the Gendered Approach to the Fight Against Malaria - the Advocacy Agenda at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference in Chicago on 18th October 2023. The broad objectives of the workshop were to sensitize members of the tropical disease community on the gendered dimensions of malaria and to evoke interest in the Malaria and Gender Advocacy Agenda.

The panelists at the workshop were Dr Deborah Atobrah (Director, CEGENSA); Professor Irene Kretchy (School of Pharmacy, University of Ghana); Dr Helena Lamptey, (Senior Research Fellow, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research) and Ms. Lottie Renwick (Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Malaria No More UK). Participants at the workshop were from organizations such as PATH, UNITAID, and USAID.