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Empowerment: A Journey not a Destination


Pathways Of Women’s Empowerment 
The Pathways of Women’s Empowerment Research Programme Consortium was established in 2006 funded by UKaid from the UK Department for International Develpoment (DFID). Pathways received co-funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that enabled the programme to expand to include other countries in conflict, post-conflict and crisis situations in our Middle East, South Asia and West Africa regional hubs. Additional funding for Pathways projects and activities has come from a variety of donors, including the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida, NORAD, GTZ, IDRC, UNIFEM, UNFPA, UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, BRAC, Comic Relief, the Arts Council, Screen South, the National Lottery and the Brazilian Government. The views and recommendations in this report do not necessarily represent those of our development partners or funders. Pathways of Women’s Empowerment (Pathways) is an international research and communications programme that has focused for the last five years on understanding and influencing efforts to bring about positive change in women’s lives.