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Africa-based Gender Tech Platform for Gender Responsive Malaria Advocacy and Policy Project

Africa-based Gender Tech Platform for Gender Responsive Malaria Advocacy and Policy Project


The Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy (CEGENSA) at the University of Ghana is partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to host the Pan-African Gender Integration Platform (PA-GIP) as an Africa-led resource for Gender Integration (GI) through knowledge generation.

The key segment of the project are:

A Pan-African Gender Integration Platform has been constituted with a multidisciplinary team of Malaria and Gender Experts from CEGENSA. This team is made up of academics from diverse fields of expertise such as development studies, anthropology, immunology, pharmacy, demography, sociology, political science, history, psychology, linguistics, and public health. Apart from capacity-strengthening training in Gender Integration, the team of experts is undergoing capacity-building training in malaria proficiency and functional skills.

CEGENSA currently manages the Global Malaria and Gender Community of Practice (CoP) by convening quarterly meetings and advocating for a gender-responsive malaria intervention.

CEGENSA is currently conducting a gender analysis of national malaria strategic documents. These learnings will be a public good and resource for the malaria and gender community. CEGENSA’s gender experts will partner with local Gender Integration experts to create knowledge pieces for selected priority countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Togo, and Cameroon.