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Global Malaria and Gender Community of Practice (CoP)

Global Malaria and Gender Community of Practice

CEGENSA manages the Malaria and Gender CoP, a community of individuals and organizations working in the field of malaria and/or gender. The community has a membership includes researchers, policymakers, implementing partners, donors, civil society, and advocates.  CoP members are affiliated with organizations such as Malaria No More-UK, Target Malaria, Medicine for Malaria Venture, USAID, World Vision US, WHO, Global Fund, ALMA, and UNICEF.
The goals of the community are to co-create, catalyze, and develop cohesive, strategic, and measurable approaches that integrate gender into malaria work; identify gender-intentional and gender-transformative opportunities to advance gender equity in the fight against malaria; and create a forum to share information, tools and resources, lessons and best practices related to malaria programming and implementation.

In 2022, the community developed an Advocacy Agenda to advance a gender-transformative approach to the fight against malaria to achieve gains in malaria eradication and gender equality in malaria-endemic countries and around the globe. You may download the agenda here.

  1. The CoP holds a virtual meeting once every quarter to discuss key topics around the gender and malaria intersection such as:
    Expanding the Use of Data for Decision-making and Advocacy for Malaria and Gender Intersection by Professor Evelyn Korkor Ansah (Director, Centre for Malaria Research. UHAS, Ghana).
  2. The emerging paradigms at the malaria and gender intersection by Ms. Maimouna Lehman (Gender Equity and Diversity Technical Advisor, Clinton Health Access Initiative).
  3. Global Fund’s Gender Integration Toolkit for Malaria Policy and Programming by Tara Talvacchia (Senior Consultant, Kati Collective).
  4. WHO Antenatal Care Policy and Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa by Dr Bolanle Olapeju (Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine & Biostatistics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences).

Are you a member of the malaria and/or gender community? Are you interested in joining the CoP? Complete the membership form using this link

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